High-quality listening in the age of COVID-19: A Key to better dyadic communication for more effective organizations
Consider the following scenario. You are preparing for a team discussion about an important project. The meeting was scheduled for 15:00 p.m., but due to technical problems, it starts at 15:15. Your next meeting begins at 16:00. You notice two team members have joined by smartphones rather than computers. This is because their kids use the family’s laptops for virtual school. Three other employees are working from their bedrooms, the only private place in their apartments. You also see a side conversation in the chat room that has nothing to do with the meeting topic. During the meeting, several people turn the cameras off. You forge ahead. After introducing the project’s goals, you realize you were muted and need to start over. This situation would have seemed completely unrealistic just a few months ago. However, since COVID-19, these kinds of challenges are now commonplace. While listening was never easy in the best of times, it is even more challenging today. In part because we are all learning to do old things in new ways. Ann Richards famously contrasted challenges facing men and women, noting,“ ... Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backward and in high heels.” A similar comparison of the pre and post-pandemic workplace listening is apt. For many, virtual listening feels like dancing backwards in high heels, a bit off balance. We are all seeking to regain equilibrium in our communication. This article is intended to facilitate better virtual listening in the post-pandemic era. First, we introduce and define listening. Second, we present empirical evidence on the dyadic and organizational benefits of listening and listening training. Third, we discuss the challenges of virtual listening by providing specific examples from managers. Finally, we offer detailed recommendations for what managers and employees can do to improve their virtual listening skills and practices to support virtual listening.
Social-Based Learning and Leadership (SBL): Theory Development and a Qualitative Case Study
Eli Vinokur , Avinoam Yomtovian , Guy Itzchakov , Marva Shalev Marom and Liat Baron
Social-based learning and leadership (SBL) is an innovative pedagogical approach that
centers on enhancing relationships within the educational system to address 21st-century challenges.
At its core, SBL aims to help teachers transform into social architects who nurture positive social
processes among pupils. Emphasizing prosocial education, SBL lays the foundation for cultivating
pro-environmentalism and sustainable behavior by fostering a sense of care and responsibility toward
others. SBL’s prosocial education program encompasses social and emotional skills, knowledge,
and dispositions to empower pupils to actively engage in and contribute to a more democratic,
reciprocal, just, and sustainable society. This approach underscores the importance of education
in shaping students’ mindsets and life orientations. By nurturing a sense of interconnectedness
and responsibility for the well-being of others, SBL provides a promising avenue to transform
education by building more sustainable educational systems, thus contributing to creating a more
sustainable future. A qualitative case study, which consisted of 18 in-depth interviews and nine
observations, examined the impact of an SBL-based teacher training program at an elementary
school from 2020 to 2023. The results point to changes in teachers’ perceptions of their roles as social
architects and, more specifically, as facilitators of social, emotional, and cognitive processes. The
teachers gained recognition as meaningful adults from their students and transitioned to hold integral
positions as part of a supportive and connected school community, associating with colleagues
and parents. This study thus showcases patterns of socio-organizational communication that can
unfold in a school influenced by the SBL approach. SBL’s emphasis on positive social relationships
and empowering teachers as facilitators of holistic student development thus further reinforces its
potential to transform education for a sustainable and thriving future.
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Listening to Understand: The Role of High-Quality Listening on Speakers’ Attitude Depolarization During Disagreements
Guy Itzchakov , Netta Weinstein , Mark Leary , Dvori Saluk, and Moty Amar
Disagreements can polarize attitudes when they evoke defensiveness from the conversation partners. When
a speaker talks, listeners often think about ways to counterargue. This process often fails to depolarize
attitudes and might even backfire (i.e., the Boomerang effect). However, what happens in disagreements if
one conversation partner genuinely listens to the other’s perspective? We hypothesized that when
conversation partners convey high-quality listening—characterized by attention, understanding, and
positive intentions—speakers will feel more socially comfortable and connected to them (i.e., positivity
resonance) and reflect on their attitudes in a less defensive manner (i.e., have self-insight). We further
hypothesized that this process reduces perceived polarization (perceived attitude change, perceived attitude
similarity with the listener) and actual polarization (reduced attitude extremity). Four experiments
manipulated poor, moderate, and high-quality listening using a video vignette (Study 1) and live interactions
(Studies 2–4). The results consistently supported the research hypotheses and a serial mediation model in
which listening influences depolarization through positivity resonance and nondefensive self-reflection.
Most of the effects of the listening manipulation on perceived and actual depolarization generalized across
indicators of attitude strength, specifically attitude certainty and attitude morality. These findings suggest
that high-quality listening can be a valuable tool for bridging attitudinal and ideological divides.
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