My Approach
Timeless principles.
Timely results.
My focal research line is high-quality listening as an avenue for growth at the Individual and organizational levels. Specifically, I study how the experience of empathic and non-judgmental listening impacts speakers' emotions and perspectives.
In addition, I conduct field studies about the effects of listening training on organizational outcomes. Additional topics of interest are antecedences and downstream effects of attitude ambivalence, attitude-behavior relationships, and goal setting.

I am an Associate Professor
at the University of Haifa, Department of Human Services, where I direct the “Interpersonal Listening and Social Influence” lab. I obtained my Ph.D. from the School of Business Administration at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2017 and was postdoctoral at the fellow University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management, from 2018-2019.
My research focuses
on the effects of high-quality listening (e.g., attentive, empathic, and non-judgmental) on facilitating changes in speakers’ emotions, cognitions, and behavior. In addition, I conduct field experiments in organizations that examine the effects of listening training on the relationship between employees and their downstream impact on organizational outcomes.
My research has appeared
in leading Applied and Social Psychology journals, such as the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Applied Psychology: An International Review, and Harvard Business Review. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Personality, and Social Psychology Bulletin.
In 2023, I received the early-career research award from the Attitude and Social Influence Interest groups from the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. My research has been funded by grants from Israel Science Foundation, Binational Science Foundation (Israel-U.S), and World Charity 3 Templeton Foundation.
Grants Awarded
Promoting Human Flourishing with Interpersonal Listening
The role of high-quality listening in work-related disagreements
Unpacking the dimensions of subjective psychological (in)consistency: An attitude ambivalence perspective
How Do We Listen?
The Effect of Listening Interventions on Organizational Outcomes
Postdoctoral fellow
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